Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Spring Break

well its spring break here folks, that means that the entire office is taking the week off.  most people have children so they are busy with sports games, play dates, etc.  blah blah.  Anyhow.  i am headed for a little adventure of my own. and I'm giddy. I will be going to wanganui (say that fives times fast) from sunday-wednesday, then on wednesday, i will be meeting up with tristan, from work.  we are staying at her parents house for the night, and they live on a farm. an actual farm.  and they have BABY lambs! shut up i know. can't wait to frolic with them, hopefully they still look like little babes and not fat ugly sheep.  cause those aren't cute. I'm so excited to be on a real life farm for the day. I'm packing flannel. I'm totally gonna fit in.

then from there we are headed to rotarua. first top is hot water beach. apparently when you dig in the sand, there is hot water underneath. pretty self explanatory. haha.  I stole this picture off of google, and if rotarua looks anything like that. I'm pretty sure its going to be amazing. 

 from there we are boating and fishing, and running around on mudslides. oh the benefit of having local friends, they own boats and farms! lets keep our fingers crossed for no sea sickness and perfect weather.  i will update soon(ish).


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