Friday, July 23, 2010

Time is flying by!

Yesterday was a little to busy for a blog update, we went into the city for the day and did a little shopping. We stopped at a pub called Waxy O'Connor's to see Ash's cousin and have an Irish Coffee. This summer blog is turning into a food blog, I feel like 80% of time here has been spent eating. surprise surprise. Later we went for dinner, and then saw Inception, which was way to complicated for my simple brain.
Today we went in to the West End of town for brunch, and now we are back at the house (waiting for B.C. to get online so we can skype)* and then napping before a night on the town tonight for Ash's friend John's birthday. Our roadtrip to St. Andrews was put on hold until tomorrow, but ill update with pictures once we get back.

having so much fun,

Speed limit signs
The Subway

The view on the drive by Ash's house

1 comment:

  1. good luck on your roadtrip... and tell us everything about the haggis whenever you try them!
